I have no idea what I’m doing; yet I know exactly what I’m doing. That’s basically been my mantra the past few years.
If you think about it - that’s what transition is - you know you’re moving forward; but just when you think you know what’s around the corner, you realize you’re not entirely sure; but then also are sure at the same time.
If you’ve had that feeling, that uncomfortable out of the battle zone but not entirely moment or in many cases moments; pretty safe to say you’re in transition. Which is NOT a bad thing - it’s just part of the process of CHANGE.
One of the most profound things ever said to me was “if the universe wants you to make a change; it smacks you in the face, over and over and over....”. What I’ve come to realize is that if you miss the message - the pattern will continue until you ultimately heal, confront or work through it. Not everyone wants to, or is ready to, DO THE WORK. The reality is, if change was easy, everyone would do it.
I wrote this book to share lessons that have been all around me and so many others in my life. This is not a manual or how to.
It’s quite simple actually: trust your gut. That little voice we often hear, always knows what it needs.
Sometimes, we can’t hear that voice and usually it’s because we are out of alignment with our heart’s desires. Our heart’s desires are often guided by 3 thought principles that serve as the backbone in making decisions or moving through emotions. At their best they are our guiding light of fluidity; at their worst they are the nucleus of stuck energy, anxiety and prevent us from moving forward.